A collection of reusable utilities for manipulating data.
First, we will install @w3ux/utils
as a dependency in our project.
npm i @w3ux/utils
Base Utils
A collection of utilities for manipulating data.
Converts a string of text to camelCase.
@param (string) str
The string to become camelCase.@returns (string)
The input string, but camelCased.
camelize("hello_world") // helloWorld
camelize("hello world") // helloWorld
camelize(" leadingWhitespace") // leadingWhitespace
camelize(" multiple spaces ") // multipleSpaces
camelize("HeLLo WoRLD") // heLLoWoRld
Receives an address and creates ellipsis on the given string, based on parameters.
@param (string) str
The string to apply the ellipsis on.@param (number) amount
The amount of characters that the ellipsis will be.
const address = "234CHvWmTuaVtkJpLS9oxuhFd3HamcEMrfFAPYoFaetEZmY7";
// How many characters to show after Ellipsis (placed at the start)
ellipsisFn(address, 4, "start") // ...ZmY7
// How many characters to show before Ellipsis (placed on the end)
ellipsisFn(address, 4, "end") // 234C...
// How many characters to show after Ellipsis (placed at the start)
ellipsisFn("Some random value", 8, "start");// ...dom value
// How many characters to show before Ellipsis (placed on the end)
ellipsisFn("Some random value", 8, "end") // Some ran...
ellipsisFn(address, 4) // 234C...ZmY7
ellipsisFn(address, 10) // 234CHvWmTu...oFaetEZmY7
// amount defaults to 6
ellipsisFn(address) // 234CHv...tEZmY7
// (fallbacks to minimum, of 4)
ellipsisFn(address, 2) // 234C...ZmY7
// (fallbacks to maximum acceptable when too large: string.length / 2 - 3)
ellipsisFn(address, 100) // 234C...ZmY7
Finds the maximum value among a list of BigInt
@param {...bigint} values
A list of BigInt values to compare.@returns {bigint}
The largest BigInt value in the provided list.
maxBigInt(10n, 50n, 30n, 100n, 20n) // 100n
maxBigInt(-10n, -50n, -30n, -100n, -20n) // -10n
maxBigInt(42n) // 42n
maxBigInt(-1000n, 500n, -200n, 1000n) // 1000n
Finds the minimum value among a list of BigInt
@param {...bigint} values
A list of BigInt values to compare.@returns {bigint}
The smallest BigInt value in the provided list.
minBigInt(10n, 50n, 30n, 100n, 20n) 10n
minBigInt(-10n, -50n, -30n, -100n, -20n) -100n
minBigInt(42n) 42n
minBigInt(-1000n, 500n, -200n, 1000n) -1000n
Forces a number to have at least the provided decimal places.
@param {string | number | BigInt} val
The input number, which can be astring
with or without commas, anumber
, or aBigInt
..@param {number} minDecimals
The minimum number of decimal places to enforce.@returns {string}
The formatted number as a string, padded with zeros if needed to meetminDecimals
, retaining commas if originally provided. Ifval
is invalid, returns "0".
minDecimalPlaces("10.5", 4) // "10.5000"
minDecimalPlaces("8.123456789", 5) // "8.123456789"
minDecimalPlaces("42", 3) // "42.000"
minDecimalPlaces("0", 2) // "0.00"
minDecimalPlaces("-123.0000", 4) // "-123.0000"
minDecimalPlaces("8,452", 5) // "8,452.00000"
minDecimalPlaces("8.123456789", 5) // "8.123456789"
minDecimalPlaces("8.1", 3) // "8.100"
minDecimalPlaces("8.123", 3) // "8.123"
minDecimalPlaces("1,234.5", 3) // "1,234.500"
minDecimalPlaces(1234.5, 2) // "1234.50"
minDecimalPlaces(123456789n, 5) // "123456789.00000"
minDecimalPlaces("0", 4) // "0.0000"
minDecimalPlaces(100000000000000000000n, 3) // "100000000000000000000.000"
minDecimalPlaces("100,000,000,000,000,000,000", 3) // "100,000,000,000,000,000,000.000"
minDecimalPlaces("invalid", 2) // "0"
Use url variables to load the default components upon the first page visit.
@param (string) pathname
The url that we want to get the page from.@param (string) fallback
Fallback string in case the url is wrong or empty.@returns (string)
The value of the trimmed url.
pageFromUri("/products/detail", "home") // detail
// note the extra space at the end of the pathname
pageFromUri("/products/detail ", "home") // detail
pageFromUri("", "home"); // home
pageFromUri("/categories/", "home") // home
pageFromUri("/about us", "home") // about us
pageFromUri("/products/detail#section", "home") // detail#section
Removes the commas from a string.
@param (string) str
The url that we want to get the page from.@returns (string)
The result of the fn.
const result = rmCommas("1,000,000"); // 1000000
Shuffle a set of objects.
@param (array[object]) array
An array of objects.@returns (array[object])
The input array of objects but shuffled.
shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) // [2, 5, 1, 3, 4] (or some other shuffled result)
shuffle([]) // []
shuffle([42]) // [42]
Unit Utils
A collection of utilities for manipulating chain units.
Converts an on-chain balance value from planck to a decimal value in token units.
@param {number | BigInt | string} val
The balance value in planck. Accepts anumber
,@param {number} units
The number of decimal places in the token unit (10^units planck per 1 token).@returns {string}
The equivalent token unit value as a decimal string.
planckToUnit(10000000n, 6) // "10.000000"
planckToUnit("10000000", 6) // "10.000000"
planckToUnit(10000000, 6) // "10.000000"
planckToUnit(10n, 10) // "0.0000000010"
planckToUnit("10,000,000", 2) // "0"
planckToUnit("invalid&#l-", 2) // "0"
planckToUnit("10000000", 6) // "10.000000"
planckToUnit(10000000n, -2) // "10000000"
Converts a token unit value to an integer value in planck.
@param {string | number | BigInt} val
The token unit value to convert. Accepts a string, number, or BigInt.@param {number} units
The number of decimal places for conversion (10^units planck per 1 token).@returns {BigInt}
The equivalent value in planck as a BigInt.
unitToPlanck(5n, 8) // 500000000n
unitToPlanck("5", 6) // 5000000n
unitToPlanck(5, 4) // 50000n
unitToPlanck("10", 6) // 10000000n
unitToPlanck(42, 0) // 42n
unitToPlanck("100000", -6) // 0n
unitToPlanck("", 8) // 0n
unitToPlanck("invalid&#l-", 4) // 0n
// Valid when unit value is decimals + 1.
unitToPlanck("0.0001", 4) // 1n
// Invalid when units are smaller than decimals - returns zero.
unitToPlanck("0.0001", 3) // 0n